
The Forgotten Community

With Christmas now fading away in the rear-view mirror of the wealthier classes and their 241 KK 001 cars and those who went on the ‘Dry January’ fad. There are some of us who now struggle not just from over spending during the festive season, but day to day and week to week. The Forgotten Community

At this time of year, we have to consider the plight of the seniors who struggle with heating and ESB bills and the everyday essentially.

I was channel surfing last night and came across a programme about ‘Seniors Living in Poverty’ It was the English Channel 4 and was based on their facts and figures. While watching the programme at first it made me sad and troubled by the stories and living standards of the seniors in parts of the UK. Stories of only eating every second day, living in the one room down stairs as therefore only one room needs heating and even at that, the heating is only put on at certain times of the day. Measuring the water in the kettle to the exact amount required for a cup or two. And in many cases using the tea bags multiple times. Never leaving their homes. And for those who live alone, No Social or human interaction day after day, week after week. At first it made me sad, but as the programme went on it made me angry! So, I looked at the Irish statistics for our Seniors living in Poverty. They are no different than our UK partners, which includes Ex Pats.

I could only get the 2022 numbers as the 2023 will be issued shortly. This showed:

  1. The percentage of people aged 65 and over at risk of poverty stood at 19 per cent in the 2022 survey, up from 11.9 per cent in 2021 and 9.8 per cent in 2020.
  2. The survey also found that the richest 20 per cent of people have four times the income of the poorest 20 per cent.
  3. Households comprising one adult aged 65 and over, or 32 per cent of people in households with one adult aged less than 65, were at risk of poverty.
  4. The at risk of poverty rate increase in the elderly is driving the increase nationally.
  5. State pension spending power this year will be €23 less per week because of the impact of inflation. Income pension has gone up but real spending power has gone down. One-off payments only compensate for some of that decrease.

The above are just a few examples I wish to highlight. We have to be proactive and highlight this shame on our state which was built on the backs of these past generations. The gap between those who have and those who have not is widening every year. We need the Politicians who will be looking for the grey vote to not just take notice and give us lip service but to act! Otherwise they will all retreat to their cozy warm and well stocked restaurants and bars and live way beyond the real man and women’s means for another 5 years and another round of the current public pay increases of approximately 10%.

I am sorry for having to write this article as I do not wish to upset or bring you any concern for the future. We at Twilight Community Group announced late last year we will be open a new ‘Community Room’ the Meeting Point where seniors can use for to inter act socially and to avail of the wonderful new activities geared for seniors with our trained facilitators and professionals. The list will be what the senior communities want and not what someone, not from our age group, think we need. The Seniors Social Club will be the members Club. This will allow the Group to request what the wish to have and we will where at all possible provide. People have been calling my mobile to show interest and list their details. If anyone wishes to send me their details

Murty Brennan m.brennan@

Mobile is 0863255840.  Office 0567813105

‘Communities Are Stronger Together’

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