Seniors are not just our Past but our Future
(Time to cash in our chips)
As we enter the 21st century, global ageing will put increased economic and social demands on all countries. At the same time, older people are precious, often an ignored resource that makes an important contribution to the fabric of society.
Ireland will be a society for all ages that celebrates and prepares properly for individual and population ageing. It will enable and support all ages and older people to enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential. It will promote and respect older people’s engagement in economic, social, cultural, community and family life, and foster better solidarity between generations. It will be a society in which the equality, independence, participation, care, self-fulfilment, and dignity of older people are always pursued.
It must be remembered that increasing longevity is an indicator of social and economic progress. A great triumph of civilisation and, specifically, of science and public policy over many of the causes of premature death which truncated lives in earlier times. Therefore, we should recognize that this unique phenomenon of the great achievements of the 20th century.

The context of above is now part of the Twilight Community Groups 4 goals of Positive Ageing
Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life in their communities according to their needs, preferences and capacities.
The policy areas that are addressed under this Goal are:
– Employment and retirement
– Education and lifelong learning
– Volunteering
– Cultural and social participation
– Transport
Support people as they age to maintain, improve, or manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The policy areas that are addressed in the Strategy under this Goal are:
– Healthy Ageing
– Health and personal social services
– Carers
Enable people to age with confidence, security and dignity in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.
The policy areas that are addressed in the Strategy under this pillar are:
– Financial security
– Housing
– The built environment
– Safety and security
– Elder abuse
Support and use research about people as they age to better inform policy responses to population ageing in Ireland
Objective 4.1
Continue to employ an evidence-informed approach to decision-making at all levels of planning.
Objective 4.2
Promote the development of a comprehensive framework for gathering data in relation to all aspects of ageing and older people to underpin evidence-informed policy making.
The Twilight Community Group since 2015 have endeavoured and will continue to protect, assist seniors’ services. Society must recognise the past, present, and future contributions all seniors make to society. The current generation that we proudly sell to foreign investors as the ‘best educated graduates’ to attract their business to the emerald isle are only so because their parents’ worked night and day and sacrificed their own life to ensure their sons and daughters are the best educated graduates for all prospective foreign investors.
So now we want to enable people to age with confidence, security and dignity in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. Time to Cash in our Chips