Since in formation over 10 years ago the Kilkenny Older People’s Council has served the seniors of our city and county with distinction. From the very first chairperson, the wonderful but unfortunately now departed Nora Webster, to the current incumbent Betty Dewberry, continues to raise issues of concern not just locally but nationally.
It was the ongoing lobbying and not taking no for an answer for Mags Leahy keeping the City Bus Service to the fore and now we have one we should all not just use but be proud of.
To many, the work they do may go unnoticed, like the pedestrian crossing at the top of the castle road. That came from your Seniors forum, as it was once known, informing the Local Authority it was a requirement for not just Seniors but all citizens of Kilkenny to avail of our wonderful Kilkenny Castle Park.
A current programme and a project everyone should support is the requirement of public toilets in our city. This, to be honest, does not serve the image we wish to portray, that we are one of the top tourist destinations in the world, when the public toilet facilities are more in line with our title of the Medieval Capital of Ireland. Access to a toilet is not a luxury but a necessity for all ages regardless of your place of abode.

Would you like to be part of the new executive committee?
Now is the chance for you to put your name forward for a position on the Older People’s Council. The executive has 12 elected members and 4 who are co-opted to the executive by the elected members. Several of the current executive are remaining and their names will go before the members for ratification at the upcoming AGM. There will be 4 vacancies on the executive for next year as 4 have served their 6-year term and under the constitution must now relinquish their post. Sadly, the Council will lose some very experienced and valued members. But this gives the opportunity for new blood and new ideas.
So now could be your time to come on board and serve your community. OPC is a county-wide organisation, so they wish to have countywide representation. If you are interested or know someone who may wish to join the executive of the Older People’s Council you must put your name forward by the closing date of the 10th November 2021 by contacting us at
Age friendly Office,
Unit 1,
Hebron House,
Macdonagh Junction,
Email [email protected]
So here’s Calling all Seniors to put you best foot forward