Coffee with Ania and Egor and Lera

Coffee with Ania & Egor & Lera Podcast No 10 In this episode of Coffee with Ania hear the views of our younger viewers Egor and Lera form the Twilight Youth Inclusion Group Before you go, please press like and subscribe to Twilight Studio TEN #ireland #kilkenny #kidsneedtobehappy #ukraine #teenagerspointofview #coffeewithania #twilightstudioTen #twilightcommunitygroup #inclusion #youth …

What’s Another Year?

As we come to the end of 2022 it is always the time, we take a look at what has the year produced and reflect on the success and learn from our failures. In 2021 the Twilight Youth Inclusion was established. It began as a project for the Twilight Group’s transition year student Mikołaj Leśniak, …

Coffee With Ania & Helena Power

Ania Has a coffee with Helena Power Helena Power is an excellent advocate for the Traveller Community. She is the Community Development Officer for Kilkenny Traveller Community Movement (KCTM) Is this video she speaks candidly about her life, work and passion for bring awareness, visibility and inclusion for her community #ireland #traveller #KTCM #kilkenny #inclusion …

Tips to stay safe this winter

Last week we started our ‘lets get winter ready’ campaign for our seniors in the community. The Twilight community group have a number of Initiatives ongoing with plans for 2023 well under way. Over the next couple of additions, we will concentrate on certain areas where not just our seniors, but all members of our …

Time to Get Winter ready

When the clock ‘falls’ back and the evenings are dark by the time we sit down for our evening meal, that in my day was called ‘Tea Time’ but now it is called ‘Dinner time’ which was my midday meal! as for Breakfast? I am not going there with coffee and a fag followed by …