What is DAVID?
DAVID stands for Diversity , Advancement, Visibility, Inclusion, Development.
This project is designed for our LGBTQAI+ Communities.
The project will be developed and designed to initiate inclusive dialogue and promote community awareness utilising our digital hub, creative workshops, our Youth inclusive forum and the LGBTI+ inclusion team. All activities in this co-production will provide a safe space to enhance visibility and to highlight the discriminatory issues experienced by the LGBTI+ communities. If these barriers are not confronted the discriminatory activities progress inexorably to stigmatization and exclusion. We will tackle this by:
Education: Creating workshops to promote community engagement delivered by members of the LGBTI+ community offering intergenerational peer supports to share knowledge, provide social interaction, and practical help to develop a sense of self. The key note address will be delivered by Maria Walsh, Member of the European Parliament and prominent LGBTI+ activist.
The participation of ethnic minorities, members of the Traveller communities will create an awareness of LGBTI+ issues among groups that experience marginalization and discrimination.
We will utilises the social media platforms to deliver the message, by creating Podcasts, YouTube videos,Newspaper Articles and Blogs.
Podcasts: Will give access to members of the LGBTI+ community to identify issues that inhibit community engagement and will discuss and question relevant topics arising from prior research. This platform will also highlight positive interactions within society.
YouTube channel will provide positive promotional videos of events.
Newspaper articles will be a conduit to contact older members of society who may not be up to date with social media.
Roadshow: This community imitative will create engagement directly within rural Ireland by bringing the workshop to local community halls and civic spaces.
The objectives of the DAVID project is to promote visibility & awareness, provide a safe inclusive space where people are supported, treated equally, allowed to flourish and lives inclusive and fulfilling lives in a safe and healthy environment, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The project will be delivered through an educational and social inclusion format
The geographical scope of the DAVID project will cover areas in the South East region of Ireland. Our
organisations location allows us to make contact with the communities in rural towns and villages within this catchment area

We will improve Twilight’s service to the LGBTI+ community by providing a safe space, in our international cultural house, where people can meet, communicate and interact. To fulfil our remit we will utilise the service of LGBTI+ voluntary activists thus enhancing the range of service we can provide. This will deliver long term attitudinal change within Twilight, our partners and the wider community. Essentially, this supports the Twilight ethos of Inclusion, integration and solidarity.
We will combat the impact of rural isolation of LGBTI+ people by taking our creative workshops to the heart of the community using community halls and civic buildings to deliver our programme. This provides visibility, enhances awareness and confronts prejudices by having honest and open discussion on topics which are neglected in rural Ireland.
We will promote inclusion of LGBTI+ people within educational programmes to be delivered in our designated learning hub. This will include intergenerational talks allowing people with lived LGBTI+ experience to offer peer support and information to alleviate the fear of individuals struggling to accept their identity. Our links with Gina Delany Development Officer Mental Health Ireland allow us to deliver this programme professionally and safely. This will help all to understand that LGBTI+ people can actively be part of an inclusive society. The talks will be open to all, including family members and the wider community.
To further target wider society, we will use our YouTube channel (TEN), Podcasts and other social media platforms. The YouTube channel will provide recorded interviews at LGBTI+ events. This will bring LGBTI+ issues to the forefront of the wider community ie. members of the Polish, South Sudanese, Romanian, Bangladeshi, diaspora and members of the Traveller community all of whom are part of the Twilight organisation.
Podcasts offer the opportunity to highlight issues of immediate concern to the LGBTI+ community and to examine and discuss the relevant topics. The Podcasts will be delivered by members of the LGBTI+ community with lived experience.
Twilight is actively involved in delivering various projects which tackle stigma and promote inclusion.
Specifically our annual conference/ workshops on the Stigmatisation of Migrants. These conferences
attended by representatives of 15 nationalities take palace in Kilkenny and were addressed by Government Ministers, Community activists, members of Direct Provision, Local Politicians, former MEP Liam Aylward and Ambassadors from Poland and Morocco. Surveys and interactions during these conferences helped Twilight formulate policies to positively promote our ethos of Integration, inclusion and solidarity. The conferences promoted awareness, visibility and empathy across all communities. The conferences enhanced communications developing and creating respect between the diverse cultures. This led to the formation of the Twilight International Culture House where the diaspora of all countries can meet in a non-judgemental environment.
Though not specifically targeted, local LGBTI+ activists participated.
Twilight also delivered a programme of physical and mental wellbeing focused on migrants and members of the Traveller community. This co-production with Mental health Ireland proved to be enormously successful raising awareness and providing participants with the tools and understanding to live rich and empowered lives. This programme can be integrated into the LGBTI+ workshops to ensure that all participants are visible, Included, treated equally, healthy, safe and supported.