The Twilight Community Group has initiated a new Diversity Awareness Visibility Inclusion Development programme (DAVID) specifically aimed at supporting members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Funding for the project was received from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth. In issuing the funding Minister Roderic O’ Gorman TD complimented Twilight on the breadth of the innovative DAVID programme.
The ethos of the project was validated with video testimonials from the Tánaiste Leo Varadkar and MEP Maria Walsh.
In supporting the DAVID project Maria Walsh acknowledged that successful implementation will deliver fundamental progress to the LGBTQIA|+ community. Ms Walsh stressed that utilising rural areas of Irelnd to highlight issues would significantly assist in broadening perspectives and in changing mindsets
The objective of the DAVID programme is to promote visibility and awareness and to provide a safe inclusive space where members of the LGBTQIA+ communities are supported, treated equally, allowed to flourish and to live fulfilling lives, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity

The DAVID programme will focus on promoting the diverse needs of LGBTQIA+ communities and will deliver work packages in the public domain using community halls and civic spaces.
Twilight is aware the DAVID project faces difficulties but are confident that these will be overcome. Obstacles will be challenged through a social inclusion format by developing workshops, roadshows and by forming intergenerational peer support groups. A partnership with Mental Health Ireland adds further professional expertise to the DAVID project.
Integral to the successful delivery of DAVID is the specially selected team of experienced facilitators, led by Dublin based graduate Karen Hughes. The team also includes Rebecca Harold founder of Translife Kilkenny, Ryan Shannon, Board Member Ireland Pride Network, Cavan resident Pam Leonard, Professional Social Care worker and Grace Byrne, Twilight Youth Coordinator, pursuing studies in NUI Galway.
The Twilight team welcome your suggestions and support. If you wish to be involved in the DAVID project contact Karen at k.hughes@twilight.ie
You can follow the DAVID project @twilightcommunitygroup on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter @twilightcommun3.