Multimedia Training Course

Kilkenny Twilight Group – Multi Media course Kilkenny Twilight Group will have a Multi Media course coming on stream over the next few weeks and are looking for people to sign up as numbers are limited. The course covers 4 modules: * Script writing for Podcast * Article preparation for Newspaper Publications * Zoom Techniques …

Our Erasmus Plus Programme

Twilight and the Erasmus plus programme provide the opportunity to our members to experience other Cultures, Heritage, History, Arts and Music through our Exchange programmes. Recently we had our Twilight Youth Inclusion group (TYI) in Margny les Compiegne France with like minded youth Groups from Malbork Poland and the host City’s LEO group. These 13-17 …

Twilight Young Adults & Erasmus +

Over the past few months we have reported on the activities of the Twilight Community Group Members. Our Youth Inclusion group had a great two-week experience with likeminded youth groups from France and Poland. This week we would like to tell you about our 18 to 30-year-old and Our Twilight Young Adults group ( TYA) …

A Degree with Cop on!

Every generation believes the younger generation are not prepared for the world we live in. But are we to blame for this phenomenon.? As parents we have pushed our children to university and tell all the younger generation “You Need degrees to get on in this world”. And yes, our children are so well educated …

DFA and Twilight Produce Documentaries for EU

This year sees the 50th anniversary of Ireland joining the EEC which today is referred to as the European Union. What started as a small group of contries consisting of  France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany in 1957 to day has 26 member states and a number of ascension states wishing to join the club. Twilight Community group, …

Time to say goodbye

Tears were shed, memories and friendships made that will hopefully stand the test of time. That was the scene in the Orchard House farewell part for the Twilight Youth inclusion group and their new friends for LEO youth Group Margny Les Compiegne and Malbork Poland as they packed their bags and head back home. The …