Polish Presidential Elections 

Są trzy sposoby na złożenia wniosku do ujęcia w spisie wyborców: rekomendujemy złożenie wniosku przy użyciu usługi e-Wybory; złożenie wniosku w postaci papierowej z własnoręcznym podpisem (osobiście wsiedzibie urzędu w godzinach pracy: poniedziałek, środa, czwartek, piątek 9:00-15:00, wtorek 12:00-17:30 lub korespondencyjnie na adres: Consular and PolishDiaspora Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin, 4-8 Eden Quay, Dublin1, D01 N5W8); przesłanie wniosku …

Let’s continue to ready!

As we continue down the road where our weather will become less welcoming to our upward and mobile daily lives Twilight, together with the Kilkenny Observer, over the next few editions will continue to flag ways to make this summer to winter transition a lot easier and less stressful. In our last installment we highlight …

‘Autumn Leaf Fall’

As the dying embers of our Indian Summer slowly fade away over the horizon as our thoughts turn to the Leaves falling from the trees. I decided to take an afternoon stroll down by what I have always called the ‘Bog’ which then became ‘The Fen’ and now The Newpark Marsh Park!  What’s next for …

Generation Game

Who remembers sitting in on a Saturday Night as the family gathered around the TV to watch Bruce Forsyth’s Generation Game? We watched as the different generations of the family played a game for small prizes on a TV that the Signal could slip in and out of grainy focus depending on the weather outside …